Healthcare News

  • What Is Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy?

    The older you get, the more likely it is you’ll get rotator cuff tendinopathy (sometimes called tendinosis or tendinitis). This type of shoulder pain is more common if you’re over age 30. If not treated, it can lead to stiffness or weakness in your shoulder.

    Source: WebMD

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  • Does Medicare Cover Shoulder Replacement Surgery?

    Because Medicare doesn’t typically cover elective surgeries, you may be concerned that you’ll have to live with pain or pay for the surgery out of pocket. But Medicare will, in fact, pay for a portion of the costs if your doctor states that shoulder replacement surgery is medically necessary in your specific case.

    Source: Healthline

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  • High-Intensity Shoulder Abduction Exercise in Subacromial Pain Syndrome

    Purpose: To determine if adding high intensity aerobic interval training (HIIT) of the rotator cuff to usual care was feasible in SAPS, and improved shoulder endurance more than usual care alone. Additionally, to examine the influence on shoulder pain and disability and the response of tendinous microcirculation following HIIT.

    Source: Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise

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  • 9 Exercises to Ease Shoulder Pain

    Shoulder aches and weakness put a crimp in routine activities from playing sports and carrying toddlers to hauling groceries and swinging hammers. Below, experts in strength and body mechanics offer tips on shoulder exercises to help you live well, function better and ultimately become stronger and free of shoulder pain.

    Source: US News

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  • What causes shoulder pain from sleeping?

    Sleep helps the body repair itself. However, some people may notice that their shoulder hurts after sleeping, or that sleep makes their preexisting shoulder pain worse.

    Source: Medical News Today

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