Healthcare News
Causes and Treatment of Periscapular Bursitis
Periscapular bursitis is a possible cause of upper back pain. The scapula, also called the shoulder blade, is an important bone that shifts its position with the upper body and shoulder movement. The motion of the scapula on the upper back is critical to the normal function of the shoulder and the spine. When movements of the shoulder blade are abnormal, significant inflammation and pain can result.
Source: Verywell Health
Shoulder Instability Symptoms and Treatment
Shoulder instability is a problem that occurs when the structures that surround the shoulder joint do not work to keep the ball tightly within its socket. If the joint is too loose, it may slide partially out of place, a condition called shoulder subluxation. If the joint comes completely out of place, this is called a shoulder dislocation.
Source: Verywell Health
Q&A: Rotator cuff tears—treatment and recovery
Rotator cuff tears happen frequently as people get older, particularly in individuals who engage in activities that require repetitive arm motions.
Source: Medical Xpress
What You Should Know About Torn Bicep Tendon Injuries
A biceps tendon injury is a tear or rupture of connective tissue that connects the biceps muscle of the upper arm to bones at either the shoulder (proximal tendon) or elbow (distal tendon). Proximal tears are more common than distal tears and usually are the the result of chronic overuse or an acute injury, such as a direct blow to the shoulder or falling onto an outstretched arm.1
Source: Verywell Health
Managing Full-thickness Rotator Cuff Tears
In a recent propensity matched analysis, patients who opted for surgery experienced superior outcomes compared with patients who decided to try non-operative management first.
Source: ICJR